January 28, 2018 7:33 pm Published by


Shamanism is not religious specific. It can fit into any belief system. Shamans do not worship nature. They respect and honor nature with their behavior and gifts for her. They are not limited in belief or practice by reality. They work in two realities.


Abundant Dreams Empowerment is available from the overflowing Universe and our way of thinking. Abundant Dreams Empowerment system aims to brace your mind and have motivation to reach your dreams. Abundant Dreams Empowerment will help you with opening your mind so you can find what your dreams are.  

There are no symbols to this system, just an activation to call in when you will sleep or meditate. Abundant Dreams works automatically and naturally as it will help you realize that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE during DREAMS.

You will receive a .pdf manual.
Distant empowerment sent by chi ball.
Certificate issued if needed.
Founder: Hari Andri Winsaro

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