God Vibration Mastery I

January 28, 2018 7:36 pm Published by



The God Vibration Mastery Sequences will clear/cleanse and remove any negative energies/vibrations and replace them with more harmonious and positive energies/vibrations. Normal clearing and cleansing practices can leave a void which may leave it open to attract energies negative or positive. Using intent you can fill this void with energies that you wish to attract. Negative energy is absorbed into the walls, furniture etc. and, when consistent negativity is released a toxic build-up can occur. A similar situation can occur if you take over premises where the previous occupier had financial problems. These negative energies remain as a vibration until they are cleared.

You spend a lot of time either at home or work and these places hold energy whether you realize it or not and can contribute to your moods positive or negative. Have you ever been to a house or place where you have felt really uneasy and couldn’t wait to get out of it? Well you were responding subconsciously to the energies of that place and your feelings were telling to get out of there!

The God Vibration Mastery Sequences that are consciously placed in your home, office or sacred space will bring in more harmonious energies and assist with your well-being. It can also be used as a spiritual tool that you can use to assist your Higher Purpose. With intent you can have your home/office /special space infused with positive energies you would like to bring into your life.

The God Vibration Mastery Sequences will help people to realize the “GOD” within themselves. At each sequence of God Vibration Mastery Sequences consist many attunements and activations are all about connecting to one’s GOD presence within and bringing that energy or force through our vehicle for its divine expression. As we do this, it anchors this high blissful energy to this world.

The Gog Vibration Mastery Sequences are a part of GOD’s plan to assist us with our evolution and mastery of the GOD within and to bring this ”heaven” here to earth.

This manual is about the first sequence of God Vibration Mastery Sequences or called “God Vibration Mastery I”. This sequence consist of:

1. Cosmic Soul Alignment
2. Quantum Energetic Field Attunement
3. Harmonic Laws of God Attunement
4. Shield & Sword of Divine Flame
5. Balance and Harmony of God Alignment
6. New Templates Attunement
7. Journey Acceleration Attunement
8. Divine Will Empowerment
9. Healer Legions of God
10. Divine Tune – Up
11. True Self Attunement

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Founder: Hari Winarso

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